UKSSSC to Re-Conduct cancelled Recruitment Exams in May

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 29 Mar 2023. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

29 Mar 2023

Uttarakhand Subordinate Selection Service Commission (UKSSSC) has decided to re-conduct the previously canceled recruitment examinations. Secretariat Security Guard recruitment examination is scheduled to be held in mid-May.

In December 2022, UKSSSC had canceled three examinations, including 33 posts of Secretariat Security Guard, 933 posts of Graduate Level and 316 posts of Forester due to scams in the recruitment examinations. Only the candidates who had applied earlier will be allowed to sit in the re-conducted examinations.

The Commission has released Documents verification dates for various posts like Steno, Junior Assistants. Other exams results and document verification dates will be released soon.

UKSSSC to Re-Conduct cancelled Recruitment Exams in May

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One Response to “UKSSSC to Re-Conduct cancelled Recruitment Exams in May”


    Kab tak aayega exam calander sir

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