Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) has released the examination program for recruitment for vacant posts in different departments. Eight examinations for different positions will be held from October to December. The Commission has also given the examination course on its website.
Commission secretary Santosh Badoni said that the proposed date of examination for posts of computer programmer cum operator and garden inspector in different departments has been fixed on October 15. In addition to the post of junior engineer posts in various departments, recruitment test for the vacant posts of drivers in various departments will be held on October 29.
Written Examination for Technician Grade-2 Electricity and Technician Mechanical Grade-II in PITCUL, Hydro Power Corporation, on November 12, recruitment test for Assistant Teacher (LT) posts of the Department of Secondary Education, will be held on November 26. On behalf of the Commission, in the year 2016 and 2017, applications for junior assistant, stenographer, personal assistant and computer operator of various departments were sought, the recruitment test for them will be on December 17. The Secretary said that in all these examinations, there will be only one question paper of 100 marks.
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