UKSSSC VDO Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari (VPDO) Result

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 05 Oct 2018. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

05 Oct 2018

Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) has released result for the post of Village Development Officer (Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari) – Post Code- 04 Under UKSSSC Group C/ Samuh G Recruitment in Uttarakhand 2015. The written exam was held on 25 February 2018. District wise Document Verification of all the selected candidates will be held from 26 Nov to 28 Nov 2018. Candidates can check and download their result from the below link directly.

District wise Document Verification Details

All the candidates will have to appear for verification of the records on the prescribed date, according to the results released by the Commission. For document verification all the candidates have to come to given address with all original documents & certificates with 2 photocopies, Employment Office Registration card, Caste Certificate and other relevant documents.

Commission Office,
State Selection Commission Complex
Ring Road, Ladpur

District wise Date of Document Verification

District Date of Verification
Almora 26 November 2018 at 09:30 am
Nainital 27 November 2018 at 09:300 am
Pitthoragarh 28 November 2018 at 09:30 am

USSSC Samuh G Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari (VPDO) Result

Check out and download result of VDO (Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari) Exam in Uttarakhand conducted by UKSSSC. Download result for Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari under UKSSSC Group C / Samuh G Recruitment 2015.

Download Result and Marks of UKSSSC VPDO Exam: Click Here

USSSC Samuh G Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari (VDO) Result

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7 Responses to “UKSSSC VDO Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari (VPDO) Result”

    Vikram kumar



    I want to know my marks,though i didn’t clear the exam bt want to knw the marks.the thing is i kind of forget my registration number. Is there any way that i can see my marks?


    Great article but it didn’t have ev-rythingeI didn’t find the kitchen sink!


    yaro sab jagaha brastachar hai. jab tak rajneeti hai tab tak brastachar rahega.


    Bhut khub bhi maja aa gaya yar


    Hello sir i want to asking you how is possible that any one got 96.50 mark if marking is 98 and two question is deleted and all deistic Merit goes to 90 and above, i think some thing is wrong in ukssc


    Sir a guy,topped from pithoragarh has secured 96.50 after deletion of 2 questions
    How is this possible can u explain please….

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