Samuh G Online Application Pattern will change

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 17 May 2018. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

17 May 2018

UKSSSC is going to do changes in the pattern of direct recruitment of posts in Group ‘C’ category.

This change will be done to fill the online application form for candidates. For this, the Subordinate Service Selection Commission has given the theoretical approval. Information Technology Development Agency (ITDA) has been entrusted with the task of preparing a new format for the application form. This will enable thousands of candidates to fill the online application form for the vacant posts. Each candidate will get the User ID, which will help the candidates to not fill the information repeatedly in the applications.

Applying for vacancies in the new pattern will prepare each candidate’s user id. Through this, for all the recruitment process through the Commission, applicants will not have to fill the photo, signature, educational qualification and other information repeatedly. The full details of the candidate will be available on User ID. This will facilitate filling the application form easily.

Online Forms Filling Facilities in CSC Centers

Due to lack of internet facility in hilly areas of the state, candidates have to come in urban areas to fill the application form. Now the selection commission will also facilitate the filing of online application forms at the Common Service Center. Also the minimum user charge will be set to fill the application form. 150 to 200 rupees are being charged for filing applications from candidates in cybercafes.

Thousands of candidates apply for recruitment of ‘C’ category vacancies in different departments. Presently, online applications are being sought from the selection commission. In the coming days, the selection commission is going to start the recruitment process of forest guards. In which 20 thousand applications are estimated to arrive in the same day.

Officials told that a new pattern is being prepared to fill the application for direct recruitment. This will facilitate applicants to apply and also the problem of errors in the application form will be overcome. Selection Commission is considering handing over the application form to ITDA. It will be the liability of issuing an entry-card from filing of applications from the ITDA.

UKSSSC Group C Recruitment Pattern Changes

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