01 JRF Vacancy in Chemical Dept IIT Roorkee

IIT Roorkee has published job posting for JRF. The advertisement for the job post was published on 13 Mar 2014. The minimum educational qualification for the post of JRF is B.E, B.Tech, GATE. The job application may be submitted to IIT Roorkee latest by 01 Apr 2014

13 Mar 2014


B.E, B.Tech, GATE

IIT Roorkee

01 Apr 2014

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee invites applications from Indian Nationals for the the posts of JRF in Chemical Engg Department under project "Mini DME" , sponsored by DST, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India on contract. Project “Mini DME: A custom design solution to bring the stranded gases to energy market” is a reseacrh project under the Principal investigator (Dr . P. Mondal), Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.

IIT Roorkee is the oldest and leading technical and management institution in India.

Name and Number of Posts: JRF – 01

Educational Qualifications

B.E, B.Tech. or Equivalent degree (Chemical or Mechanical) with GATE

Remuneration: Rs 16000/- p.m

Appointment Duration: Initially for one year, which may be extended to approximately two years

How To Apply:

Eligible and interested applicants can submit duly filled application through email or by post with bio-data and relevant documents along with attested copies of all certificates/degree/testimonials/experience to the following address-

Principal Investigator,
Department of Chemical Engineering
IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)
Email: pmondfch@iitr.ernet.in

Selection Procedure

Selection of candidates will be through Walk-in-Interview.

Place of Interview: Department of Chemical Engineering,
IIT Roorkee

Important Dates:

Date of Interview: 01-04-2014

Important Links:

To download original advertisement : Click Here

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