Trainer & Co-ordinator Recruitment in Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand

Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand has published job posting for Trainer & Co-ordinator . The advertisement for the job post was published on 10 Jun 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Trainer & Co-ordinator is Diploma, Graduation, MA, MSc, MBA, PhD. The job application may be submitted to Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand latest by 25 Jun 2016

10 Jun 2016

Trainer & Co-ordinator

Diploma, Graduation, MA, MSc, MBA, PhD

Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand

25 Jun 2016

Panchayati Raj Directorate (PRD), Dehradun has released advertisement for the recruitment of Trainer & Trainer Co-ordinator under Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Empowerment Campaign. This recruitment is purely contractual based for 1 year. Recruitment will be held for Dehradun, Udham Singh Nagar, Champawat & Uttarkashi. Interested Candidates may apply for this post on before 25 June 2016

Trainer & Co-ordinator Recruitment in Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand

Name of Post No of Post District Name Qualification Salary
Trainer-Level I 04 Dehradun Candidate must have done Graduation from a recognized University in Social Science / Economy OR should be MA / MSc / PhD Rs 35000/-
Trainer- Level I 04 Udham Singh Nagar
Trainer-Level II 02 Champawat Candidate must have done Graduation from a recognized University OR should be MBA in HR / MSc / PhD / Diploma Rs 15000/-
Trainer- Level II 02 Uttarkashi
District Co-ordinator 01 Champawat Candidate must have done Graduation from a recognized University OR should be MBA in HR / MA with minimum 55% marks Rs 20000/-
District Co-ordinator 01 Uttarkashi

Selection Procedure

Selection of candidates will be based on their qualification and experience.

How to Apply

Eligible candidates may send their updated biodatea along with all necessary documents to the address given below latest by 25 June 2016.

Panchayati Raj Directorate (PRD), Dehradun
Danda Lakhond near IT Park
Sehestrdhara Road Dehradun

Important Date

Last Date of Submit Biodata : 25 June 2016

Trainer & Co-ordinator Recruitment in Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand

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13 Responses to “Trainer & Co-ordinator Recruitment in Panchayatiraj Directorate Uttarakhand”

    Tribhuwan Singh Bisht

    respected sir,
    i have done B. Sc. and need a job… please help me sir



    Komal sharma

    I am 12th pass i need a job ple help me

    rashmi chand

    I have done my graduation B.Sc with 81%,now wrote Msc(computer scince) last sem exams ,results may b declared in month of july till last sem i have score 72% in Msc . I am eligible or not for this post or not

    Ajay Singh Negi


    I have done graduation from DU and having experience of 9 months as a Hr recruiter in Accenture India Pvt Ltd. I am interested for this what and how I can get this opportunity.

    Ajay Singh Negi


    Respected Sir,
    I have done my graduation i.e.; B.Sc. Information Technology with 81% + MBA distance learning from SMU with 55+%. I am eligible or not for Trainer level 1 and district coordinator.

    pooja goyal

    I have done master’s in sociology and pg diploma in mass communication but i have no exp can I fill this form?.thanks


    Hellow im well qualify in gradution and post gradution in microboilogy

    kusum panwar

    I have done M.Sc maths and b.Ed and have 2years teaching experience. So could u please tell me that am i eligible to fill this form or not??



    I am looking for a Job in Training/ HR/ OD in Uttarakhand.
    Post Graduate from XLRI, Jamshedpur, MBA in HR with 15 years of experience in Training/ HR/ Talent Management/ Organisational Development.


    when application form will be issued…..?


    i looking for jobs in Uttarakhand,

    i have done B.A (H) sociology, PGDM, PGDHRM,

    Gold medallist from JMI


    Kindly confirm on age criteria

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