Project Manager & Accounts Officer Vacancy in UFRMP

UFRMP, Uttarakhand has published job posting for Project Manager & Accounts Officer. The advertisement for the job post was published on 01 Apr 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Project Manager & Accounts Officer is MBA, Post Graduate, CA. The job application may be submitted to UFRMP, Uttarakhand latest by 24 Apr 2015

01 Apr 2015

Project Manager & Accounts Officer

MBA, Post Graduate, CA

UFRMP, Uttarakhand

24 Apr 2015

Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Project (UFRMP) invites applications for various positions under Project Management Unit (PMU) funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). UFRMP has released an advertisement for filling up 03 vacant seat Project Manager and 01 Accounts Officer. The selected candidates will be engaged initially for one year subject to extension on annual basis as per their performance and requirement of the Project.

Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Project, funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) aims at addressing the problem of forest degradation in forest fringe areas of the State. The Project would be implemented by Van Panchayats (VPs), ensuring their capacity development in the process. The project is aimed at controlling forest degradation, improvement of livelihood options and income generating activities of the people living in the target area, thereby, reducing their dependence on forests.

Recruitment in UFRMP

Name of the post No. of post Age limit Pay Scale Educational Qualification/Experience
Project Manager, Community Development 01 45 yrs Rs. 60,000/- per month Post Graduate in Forestry/Social Science/Rural Development/ MBA in Rural Development. Min 5 yrs experience in projects involving capacity development, training, livelihood, enterprise development, income Generation Activities. Proficiency in MS Office.
Project Manager, Publicity and Documentation 01 45 yrs Rs. 60,000/- per month Post Graduate in Mass Communication. 5 yrs experience in Projects involving documentation, report publication, maintenance & updating of Project website, preparing brochures, newsletters, publicity material. Proficiency in MS Office.
Project Manager, Disaster & Mitigation 01 45 yrs Rs. 60,000/- per month Structural Engineering graduate with Diploma in Natural Disaster Management/Mitigation. 5 yrs experience in Projects involving review of work related to Disaster Mitigation and Management particularly with reference to landslides in hills, river bank erosion control, designing of soil conservation structures and field inspection. Proficiency in MS Office.
Accounts Officer 01 45 yrs Rs. 40,000/- per month CA with 4 yrs experience in computerized accounting, experience of Tally. Proficiency in MS Excel.

Important Dates

Last date of applying : 24 April 2015

Project Manager & Accounts Officer Recruitment in UFRMP UttarakhandProject Manager & Account Officer Recruitment in UFRMP

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2 Responses to “Project Manager & Accounts Officer Vacancy in UFRMP”

    Dinesh Chandra Joshi

    What is the job for a finance MBA GUYS IN uttarakhand

    Dinesh Chandra Joshi


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