Medical Officer & Staff Nurse Recruitment in Govt Doon Female Hospital Dehradun

Govt Doon Female Hospital, Dehradun has published job posting for Medical Officer & Staff Nurse. The advertisement for the job post was published on 10 Jul 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Medical Officer & Staff Nurse is MBBS, BSc Nursing, GNM Diploma. The job application may be submitted to Govt Doon Female Hospital, Dehradun latest by 24 Jul 2015

10 Jul 2015

Medical Officer & Staff Nurse

MBBS, BSc Nursing, GNM Diploma

Govt Doon Female Hospital, Dehradun

24 Jul 2015

Govt Doon Female Hospital, Dehradun has released the advertisement for the recruitment of Emergency Medical Officer & Staff Nurse for SNCU under National Rural Health Mission Programme. Interested candidates can attend the Walk-In on 24 July 2015.

Medical Officer & Staff Nurse Recruitment in Govt Doon Female Hospital Dehradun

Name of Position Number of Posts Essential Qualification Maximum Age Limit Honorarium (per month)
Emergency Medical Officer 01 MBBS. Preference will be given to candidates having 05 years experience in NICU/ SNCU 50 years Rs 48000/-
Staff Nurse 02 BSc Nursing/ GNM Competence in NICU/ SNCU. Preference will be given to candidates having 05 years experience in NICU/ SNCU 40 years Rs 17000/-

Selection Procedure

Interested candidates should appear for a Walk-In interview on 24 July 2015 onward at 12:00 am to 03:00 pm. Candidates must bring completely filled application form, 02 Photographs and Original & Attested photocopies of following documents in walk-in –

– High School & Intermediate Mark Sheet & Certificate
– MBBS, Degree Certificate for Medical Officer & BSc Nursing/ GNM Diploma Certificate for Nursing Candidate
– Character Certificate issued by Gazetted Officer
– Uttarakhand Medical & Nursing Council Registration Certificate
– Experience Certificates

Venue of Walk-In : Office of The Chief Medical Superintendent, Govt. Doon Female Hospital, Court Road, Dehradun-248001.

Contact Number : 0135-2659236,2711793

Important Date

Walk-In Interview Date : 24 July 2015 onwards (till selection of suitable candidates)

Important Link

Download Complete Advertisement & Application Format : Click Here

Medical Officer & Staff Nurse Recruitment in Govt Doon Female Hospital Dehradun

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6 Responses to “Medical Officer & Staff Nurse Recruitment in Govt Doon Female Hospital Dehradun”

    bheema bai

    I am gnm passed plz sir mujhe nursing staff me job chahiye

    Sukhbeer kaur

    Hlw sir i want to do job as a staff nurse in doon hospital; I have 4 years working experience if there is a vacancy for female staff pls let me know

    Pramesh Singh

    Dear all
    I am here Whit a request,
    One of my friend has done 2 years of nursing course
    Shee is serching for imidiat job vacancy but if Shee will be not able to get the job as a Fraser she will like to take some months training from Doon hospital
    If there is a vacancy for training staff please let me know

    Rani kashyap

    I am a staff nurse

    satyadev sharma

    Nursing staff male

    satyadev sharma

    Sir my staff nurse

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