Bumper Junior Engineer Vacancies in Uttarakhand – Apply Now

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 14 Dec 2021. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

14 Dec 2021

Recruitment is out for 76 posts of Junior Engineers by UKSSSC in various departments of the state. Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released its notification. For this, online applications will start from December 15.

According to the secretary of the UKSSSC, Santosh Badoni, a total of 76 posts including 25 in UJVNL, 5 in PTCUL, 10 in Renewable Energy Development Agency, 15 in Jal Vidyut Nigam, 10 in Jal Vidyut Nigam Department and 11 in Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board will be recruited.

For this, online applications will be made from 15 December to 28 January 2022. Fees can be paid by 30 January. There will be one year relaxation in the maximum age limit. The application fee will also not be charged under the order of the state government.

All categories of candidates can apply free of cost. According to Secretary Badoni, the candidates who have already done their one time registration, they should check all the entries once. Common Service Centers across the state have also been authorized to fill the application form. Common Service Centers are available at Nyaya Panchayat level for the candidates from rural and remote areas.

How many Vacancies in JE Recruitment in Uttarakhand ?

Junior Engineer (Trainee) UJVNL – 25 Posts
Junior Engineer (Trainee) PTCUL – 05 Posts
Junior Engineer, Renewable Energy Agency – 10 Posts
Junior Engineer (Trainee) Jal Vidyut Nigam – 15 Posts
Junior Engineer (Trainee) Jal Vidyut Nigam Department – ​​10 Posts
Junior Engineer, Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board – 11 Posts


Junior Engineer Vacancies in Uttarakhand

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7 Responses to “Bumper Junior Engineer Vacancies in Uttarakhand – Apply Now”

    Pradeep Rawat

    Pradeep rawat villege joshimath dictice chamoli

    K M. Sharma

    Qualification and age limit for the post
    If a candidate is diploma in mechanical engineering is he eligible for the above post.


    Sir please check jai post

    Archana Ganghariya

    Village-Thana , kameridevi

    Mahesh semwal

    Amit gram gumaniwala Rishikesh Uttarakhand

    August kumar rajak

    ग्राम लवाही कला जिला गढ़वा झारखण्ड

    Kheem Singh

    Vill-mohanri post chanliya Distt almora uttarakhand pincode 263680

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