Health Inspector & Mate Recruitment in Station Health Organisation (L) Roorkee

Station Health Organisation Roorkee has published job posting for Health Inspector & Mate . The advertisement for the job post was published on 16 May 2017. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Health Inspector & Mate is 10th. The job application may be submitted to Station Health Organisation Roorkee latest by 06 Jun 2017

16 May 2017

Health Inspector & Mate


Station Health Organisation Roorkee

06 Jun 2017

Defence Civilian Station Health Organisation Roorkee under Ministry of Defence has released an advertisement for thr recruitment of Health Inspector & Mate. Station Health Organisation (OC SHO – LARGE) Roorkee invites application to fill various posts under Ministry of Defence. Candidates may apply on before 06 June 2017.

Health Inspector & Mate Recruitment in OCSHO (L) Roorkee

Name of the post No. of posts Age Limit Pay Scale Education Qualification
Health Inspector 01 18-27 yrs Rs. 26000/- Candidate should be 10th pass from a recognized board
Mate 01 18-30 yrs Rs. 18000/- Candidate should be 10th pass from a recognized board

Selection Procedure

Candidate’s selection will be based on their qualification, experience & test performance.

How to Apply

Candidates should send their dully filled application form along with all important documents and two passport size photographs. A self addressed envelope affixed with Rs 40/- postal stamp are required to be enclosed with the application form and submit it by 06 June 2017.

Officer Commanding
Station Health Organisation (SHO)
Cantt. Roorkee

Important Date

Last Date to Submit Application Form : 06 June 2017

Health Inspector & Mate Recruitment in OCSHO (L) Roorkee

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11 Responses to “Health Inspector & Mate Recruitment in Station Health Organisation (L) Roorkee”

    nitish kumar

    sir trademan mate ka resutl kab aayega ?


    Kya ye vacancy cancel Nahi hui ?

    Saurabh Kumar

    sir ji ky hm is mate vali post ki mark list dekh skte hai?????

    Mukesh Kumar

    10th pass uttrakhand Rudrapur mo.8445777666.8218731026

    Arvind Gaharawar

    how to download application form please suggesst


    there is no age relaxation for divorce women candidate for recruitment under ministery of defence? which type of rule is applicable here pls mention or suggest

    Ritesh Rawat

    Can you please tell the examination date sir??

    ritesh rawat

    how to download the application form???

    Mithun kumar

    sir ye form kaha se recive honge

    deep chandra tiwari

    ofline hai

    Vimla joshi

    Heart Inspector

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