650 Guest Teachers in Uttarakhand Colleges by September

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 22 Aug 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

22 Aug 2015

The vacant seats of teachers in Degree colleges in Uttarakhand will be filled by September this year. Same as Guest teachers in schools, 650 Guest teachers will be recruited in Degree colleges in Uttarakhand.

650 Guest Teachers in Uttarakhand Colleges by September

State Education Minister Dr Indira Hridayesh has said Guest teachers in Degree Colleges will be recruited on the norms of UGC and UKPSC. If candidates finds suitable on the norms, there may be chance to become permanent in colleges.

Formula for Guest Teachers Recruitment in Uttarakhand Colleges

Govt has prepared the formula for Guest Teachers recruitment in Uttarakhand colleges. As per information, a committee headed by Chancellors replacing District Majistrates. Preference will be given to those guest teachers who had served the colleges previously.

Guest Teachers in Uttarakhand Colleges by September

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9 Responses to “650 Guest Teachers in Uttarakhand Colleges by September”

    manoj kumar

    any job in yoga and music teacher in upcoming time in uttarakhand…


    Hi .I am a MSc 2 year student (c.s)
    And I have 2 month experience with kemdriya vidhyla school . I want to know about that I m eligble for this interview

    Dr surjeet kaur

    Lecturer in sociology

    vivek kumar arya

    We all have to request to dr indra hridyesh please provide us salary on the fixed base, last year guest faculty managed with less salary but its time to get salary on fixed base,after we all have qualification as per new UGC guidelines, contract teacher of 2006, 2008 and 2010 get appointed directly on fixed base of rs.25000pm., so why we all NET and U-SET qualified candidates is going to appoint on guest base, it’s not good

    sakshi sharma

    Right 15000 is so less for asst Prof post ,salary should b at least 30000 for net nd set qualified

    vivek kumar arya

    permanent vacancies for primary, LT , LECTURER intermediate and POLYTECHNIC colleges, but what about us only GUEST FACULTY FOR US , where is permanent post,

    vivek kumar arya

    respected, DR INDIRA HRIDYESH, we all want salary on fix base not in the basis of periods. At least pay 25000 pm on fix base,

    vivek kumar arya

    govt should publish the permanent vacancy for assistant professor, highly qualified candidate paid only rs.15000. last year dr indira hridyesh said that,good salary will be provided to assistant professor, where is higher education selection commission. no. of net and u-set qualified candidates were waiting for permanent job. they cant get even a single chance to apply in govt college on permanent base, at least govt should provide Rs. 25000 fix base in place of period base to guest faculty.

    rekha kunear

    when will the nex guest teacher vecancy

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