Guest Teacher Recruitment process begin in Uttarakhand

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 18 Apr 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

18 Apr 2015

The process of guest teachers recruitment in Uttarakhand Govt schools has been started now. The information of vacant seats of LT and Lecturer in each block is being collected. Director of Secondary Education RK Kunwar has directed officials to collect information regarding vacancies.

Important For Guest Teachers

As in the coming months there has been promotions of LT teachers, the vacancy will be seen some increment. A pool of candidates will be prepare blockwise for the selection as guest teacher. If any selected candidate fail to join the duty in seven days, then another candidate in merit from the pool will be given the post.

Second important point is if Principal find guest teacher not good in teaching or dicipline then he/she can send application to CEO to remove teacher.

The merit list for guest teachers will be prapared in a proper manner same as for regular teachers. Total around 2699 LT posts and 2672 Lecturer posts are vacant in the state.

Guest Teacher Recruitment process begin in Uttarakhand

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13 Responses to “Guest Teacher Recruitment process begin in Uttarakhand”


    Sir please tell my form of LT guest teacher is incorrectly filled I.e. ex servicemen it is not applicable but by mistake it is filled and name has came for LT GUEST TEACHER please tell what to do????

    deepak singh

    how can i fill the form of guest teacher recuritment

    Ritu goyal

    Isme u.p. ke students bhi apply kar sakte hai kya….i m ctet,upet,qualified. But lives in hapur(u.p.)


    when merit list will published lt/pravakta in pauri district



    mohit kumar bahuguna

    sir please tell that in dehradun district chukhuwala come under which block and what is the adress of that vikas khand

    mohit kumar bahuguna

    respected sir pls tell advertisement number for dehradun distict guest teacher


    Dear sir
    the last date of submitting form is 15 july but till now there is no any advertisement for Almora district.How can we fill advertisement number correctly.
    please sir guide me.


    sir can i apply for guest teacher/lecturer,i’m b com passed from d u ,m a hindi from kumaoun university nainital,i,m belonging from almora.


    sir, i hv b a passed 2nd div b p ed 1 st div can i apply for guest teacher (almora)and also lecturer both post in one time plz suggest me


    Adv. nos of respective district Guest Teacher recruitment will be published in detailed advertisement notification. Till now detailed advertisement notification are published for Dehradun, Pauri & Tehri only. Subscribe and stay with Facebook page for latest updates.

    anil sharma

    sir, what is the advertisement no for UK guest teacher for filling the form that is posted on the form.plz send the advertisement no very soon.thanks.

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