Accountant Clerk and Helper Recruitment in CSD Canteens Garhwal Rifles Lansdowne

The Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, Lansdowne has published job posting for Accountant Clerk and Helper. The advertisement for the job post was published on 16 May 2017. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Accountant Clerk and Helper is 10th, 12th & Graduation. The job application may be submitted to The Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, Lansdowne latest by 31 May 2017

16 May 2017

Accountant Clerk and Helper

10th, 12th & Graduation

The Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, Lansdowne

31 May 2017

The Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre Lansdowne has released advertisement for recruitment on various posts in CSD Canteens at Lansdowne, Kotdwar, Pauri & Thailisen. Applications are invited for filling up 13 vacant posts of Accountant, Billing Clerk, Store Keeper and Helper in CSD Canteens. Interested candidates may apply on before 31 May 2017.

Accountant Billing Clerk and Helper Recruitment in CSD Canteens Garhwal Rifles Lansdowne

Name of the post Age Limit Lansdowne Kotdwar Pauri Thailisen Educational Qualification
Accountant 55 yrs 01 Candidate should be Graduate in Commerce with work experience of same field
Billing Clerk 55 yrs 04 02 Candidate should be Min 12th pass with basic knowledge of Computer or Diploma in Computer
Store Keeper 55 yrs 01 Candidate should be Minimum 10th pass
Helper/Watchman 55 yrs 01 01 01 02 Candidate should be 10th pass

Selection Procedure

The selections of the candidates will be done on the basis their qualification and experience.

How to Apply

Interested and eligible candidates can send their fully filled application form with two passport size photo and self addressed stamped envelope to the address below latest by 31 May 2017.

Adm Battalion
The Garh Rif Regtl Centre
Lansdowne (Uttrakhand)

Important Date

Last date of receipt of Applications : 31 May 2017

Date of Written Exam : 08 June 2017

Accountant Billing Clerk and Helper Recruitment in CSD Canteens Garhwal Rifles Lansdowne

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28 Responses to “Accountant Clerk and Helper Recruitment in CSD Canteens Garhwal Rifles Lansdowne”

    Dhanpal singh

    May name is dhanpal singh i working before cooking 14 eyars have job


    Vacancy kab nikal ti hi

    Mukesh Kumar

    10th pass Rudrapur uttrakhand mo.8445777666. 8218731026

    Amit Bhandari

    Sir will rally held in october 2017

    satappa davare

    Post for being ckerck

    Arvind Kumar


    Jagmohan singh

    Billing Clark

    Balam Singh Rawat

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    As per the above details, I am appalling for post of Billing Clerk.


    Sir I’m a student of MA and graduation by I want to know about the salary in billing clerk

    ashish negi

    Please suggest me civilians are eligible for accountant post job.

    ashish negi

    please suggest me civilians are eligible for this job

    vikash singh negi

    Respect Sir/Madam
    My qualifications is 10th and 12th pass…and I am also a IMB person…my Army number is 4099335w….
    So, I can apply for this job.


    how to download application form


    ladies (civilians) are eligible for this job And please confirm salary package.




    billing clerk


    ladies(civilian)are eligible for this job and please confirm salary package.


    are these Posts only for Ex-Army peoples.

    Ruchika Sehgal

    Ladies are eligible for CSD job.I am post graduate in Education and Sociology and having diploma in financial accounting.

    Tara Bhatt

    Sir / Madam,

    Greetings !!
    I m civilian i can apply this job ( i am worked 3 year CSD Canteen Sec 37 Noida

    Vinod Kumar Tamta


    Tara Bhatt

    I m Civilian please confirm i can apply this job i m worked 3 year CSD Canteen Noida

    Tara Bhatt

    Sir / Madam,
    Request please confirm salary range


    Please subscribe to get latest jobs in your email …


    Sir plz next inform me in my email.

    Harish Negi

    I am Harish negi from Kotdwara uttarakhand. I have done computer diploma DCA in Jammu&kashmir. I have experience in Computer operator from general reserve engniaring force j&k.

    saurabh singh

    How Can Fill The Form…? I am intrested Accounts work i’ve 1 year exceprience with basic computer & Tally ERP9 accounts knowedge….!

    satpal singh

    Next time required clerk job please informed my mail

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