Changes in Educational Qualification for VDO Post in Uttarakhand

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 27 Aug 2019. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

27 Aug 2019

Uttarakhand Rural Development Department is going to amend the educational qualification for the direct recruitment of Gram Vikas Adhikari (VDO) posts.  In this, the department is considering to allow candidates for the recruitment process, who have a Graduate Degree in any subject. This will allow more and more candidates to apply for VDO posts.

324 Post of VDO will be Filled Soon in Uttarakhand

The Rural Development Department had sent a recruitment proposal for 324 vacant posts of the VDO to the Subordinate Selection Service Commission (UKSSSC). The post of VDO belongs to the district cadre but the department did not determine the district wise posts in the proposal. Due to which the Selection commission has sent the proposal back to the department. Now the Rural Development Department is again preparing the recruitment proposal. According to the sources, in the recruitment service manual, the process of graduating compulsory educational qualification for the posts of VDO is going on. Presently, educational qualification for VDO posts is prescribed for graduates from agriculture, science, commerce or economics. Due to which many candidates are denied to apply.  If the department amends the educational qualification, then the candidates who graduate from any discipline will also get the opportunity to apply to these posts.

197 Posts of VPDO will be recruited soon

The Panchayati Raj Department has also prescribed graduation for the posts of Gram Panchayat Development Officer. The department has sent the recruitment proposal of 197  posts to the Commission. In the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, the services of VDO and VPDO are almost same but the educational qualification at the departmental level is different. Due to which the Department of Rural Development is also considering to amend the educational qualification for VDO posts.

Graduation eligibility compulsory for VDO & VPDO Recruitment in Uttarakhand

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6 Responses to “Changes in Educational Qualification for VDO Post in Uttarakhand”

    B k pande

    Sir uttrakhand VDO ke leye qualification kya hai


    Very nice job jai ho.


    It is a step towards even opportunities.

    Himanshu Kumar

    Yar 12th pass kr do hum v too 2 saal Se tayari m h
    Or ha Agr Jada condidate jaye too 12th pass kr do sab aa jayenge

    Gunjan karki

    Is CCC Certificate important for vpdo and vdo both?

    arjun kumar

    thanks for information

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