202 Principal, PGT & TGT Recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya

Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya has published job posting for Principal, Vice Principal, PGT & TGT . The advertisement for the job post was published on 08 Mar 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Principal, Vice Principal, PGT & TGT is Graduation / BEd / MEd. The job application may be submitted to Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya latest by 26 Mar 2016

08 Mar 2016

Principal, Vice Principal, PGT & TGT

Graduation / BEd / MEd

Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya

26 Mar 2016

Uttarakhand residential school committee, has released notification for recruitment in various post like Principal, Vice Principal, PGT & TGT for Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya. Candidates can submit application form on before 26 March 2016.

Principal, Vice Principal, PGT & TGT Recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya

Total No of Post : 202

Name of the Post No of post Salary Educational Qualification
Principal 13 Rs 15600-39100/- GP Rs 7600/- Candidate must have done BEd / MEd from a recognized university with minimum experience of 10 years working as a Principal.
Vice Principal 13 Rs 15600-39100/- GP Rs 5400/- Candidate must have done BEd / MEd from a recognized university with minimum experience of 02 years working as a Vice principal
PGT 77 Rs 9300-34800/- GP Rs 4800/- Candidate must have done BEd / MEd & Graduation in Shiksha Shastra (Pedagogy) from a recognized university with minimum experience of 05 years as a Teacher and also have good knowledge of English
TGT 99 Rs 9300-34800/- GP Rs 4600/-

Selection Procedure

The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of performance in the interview and work experience.

How to Apply

Candidates may download the application form through the official website www.schooleducation.uk.gov.in and send it along with all necessary documents to the given address. Application form should be submit on before 26 March 2016.

Office of Director of Secondary Education
Nanoorkhera, Dehradun

Important Date

Last date of submit Application form : 26 March 2016

Important Link

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4 Responses to “202 Principal, PGT & TGT Recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya”


    Date on which pgt eco interview will be heldp


    How to download the form

    sonam parveen

    Sir i have two years experience of principalship in a cbse affiliated higher secondary school before it iwas a vice principal. So i wanna know tht can i fill two forms for pgt and vice principal post.please answer me soon.thanks

    ritu pal

    Sir pls tell there is vacancy in computer science. I hve done Mtech. So pls give the favourable response.

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