Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist Recruitment in DGM Dehradun

DGM Dehradun has published job posting for Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist . The advertisement for the job post was published on 03 Apr 2017. The minimum educational qualification for the post of Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist is Graduation. The job application may be submitted to DGM Dehradun latest by 15 Apr 2017

03 Apr 2017

Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist


DGM Dehradun

15 Apr 2017

Department of Geology & Mining (DGM), Dehradun Uttarakhand invites application from the eligible candidates for the engagment of various posts like Geo-Scientist, Geological Assistant, Junior Engineer & Project Sociologist. DGM has released notification for the recruitment of Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist. Interested candidate may appear in a walk-in on 15 April 2017.

Scientist, Assistant JE & Sociologist Recruitment in DGM Dehradun

Total Post : 16

S.No. Name of Post Number of Posts Pay Scale (Consolidated) Educational Qualification
1. Geo-Scientist 04 Rs 35000/- Candidate should be Graduate in Geology Science from a recognized university
2. Geological Assistant 04 Rs 25000/- Candidate should be Graduate in Geology Science with minimum 2 years of work experience in related field
3. Junior Engineer 04 Rs 25000/- Candidate should be Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized university
4. Project Sociologist 04 Rs 20000/- Candidate should be Graduate in Sociology from a recognized university

Selection Procedure

Selection for above posts will be done on the basis of candidates performance in interview.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may appear in the walk-in on 15 April 2017 along with complete bio-data & attested copies of qualifications & experience with two passport size photographs to the following address. Candidates are requested to be there on time by 9.00 am.

Geology and Mining Unit, Dehradun
Headquarters –  Bhopalpani,
Raipur-Thano-Airport Motor Marg,
P.O. Dhanyari, District Dehradun,
PIN-248008, State Uttarakhand, India.

Important Dates

Date of Walk-In : 15 April 2017

Important Links

Download Complete Details & Advertisement : Click Here

Scientist, Assistant JE & Sociologist Recruitment in DGM Dehradun

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3 Responses to “Scientist, Assistant, Junior Engineer & Sociologist Recruitment in DGM Dehradun”



    mukesh chandra joshi

    I have passed in biotechnology can i apply for the post of assistant, socialogist.

    Nimmi Kukreti

    Dear sir/madam, what is age limit for the post of Soiologist ?

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