World Current Affairs 2016 : January To December

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Important Notice :- Download Monthly Current Affairs in PDF Format – Current Affairs 2016 : January To December

An overview of international current affairs of 2016. It covers all the important events of the month of January 2016 to December 2016, which are relevant for any competitive exams. A short description of General world will provide a complete framework to go through all important events on world level. Following are the list of memorable events of 2016 :-

An Overview of International Events : Month wise Events Information

Months Name Impotant Dates Key Events
January 2016 2 Jan Saudi Arabia executes 47 alleged terrorists, including Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, cut ties with Iran after protestors attack its embassy in Tehran
16 Jan International Sections on Iran lifted after clearance from nuclear watchdog IAEA
February 2016 1 Feb WHO declares global public health emergency over spread of Zika virus
07 Feb North Korea fires long-range rocket, believed to be a test of banned missile technology
12 Feb Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox church head Patriarch Kirill meet in Cuba-the first meeting between the two churches since they split in 1054
March 2016 19 Mar 62 people killed in FlyDubai plane crash in Russia
20 Mar Barak Obama becames the first US President to visit Cuba since 1928
22 Mar Three bombings in Belgian capital Brussels leave 35 people dead
27 Mar Over 70 killed in suicide attack targeting Christians celebrating Easter in Lahore, Pakistan
30 Mar Htin Kyaw becomes first elected President of Myanmar after 53 years of military rule
April 2016 03 Apr ‘Panama Papers’-a set of 11.5 million leaked confidential documents – reveal secretive assets channeled to offshore tax havens by prominent world personalities
16 Apr Magnitude 7.8 earthquake kills over 650 people in Ecuador
21 Apr Musical legend Prince, 57, found dead at his home after a drug overdose
May 2016 10 May Rodrigo Duterte promises war on drugs and killing of criminals, gets landslide victory in Philippines president elections
19 May Egypt Air flight from Paris to Cairo crashes into the Mediterranean Sea, 66 people killed
21 May Leader of Afghan Taliban, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, killed by a US drone strike in Pakistan
June 2016 03 June Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at the age of 74
12 June Worst mass shooting in US history leaves 50 people dead at a gay nightclub in Florida
23 June UK votes to leave the European Union in the ‘Brexit’ referendum; PM David Cameron announces his resignation
28 June Suicide bombings and gun attacks at Istanbul airport, Turkey kill 45 people
July 2016 01 July 24 people killed as Islamic militants storm a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh
12 July China refuses to accept an international court ruling in favour of Philippines over the South China Sea dispute
13 July Theresa May takes over as the second women PM of United Kingdom
14 July A truck ploughs through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France; 84 people killed
15 July Attempted military coup in Turkey fails; over 260 people killed and thousands taken into custody
23 July Over 80 people killed in suicide attack at a rally by Hazara minority in Kabul, Afghanistan
26 July Solar Impulse 2 becomes the first solar powered aircraft to circumnavigate the earth
August 2016 5-21 Aug Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil
08 Aug Suicide bombing at a hospital in Quetta, Pakistan, kills over 70 people
24 Aug Devastating earthquake in central Italy leaves around 300 people dead
31 Aug Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff impeached by the Senate on charges of breaking budget laws
September 2016 02 Sep Mother Teresa declared a Saint by Pope Francis in a ceremony at the Vatican
09 Sep Defiant North Korea conducts its fifth and largest nuclear test
29 Sep India carries out surgical strikes on Pakistani terror launch pads across LoC; hostility between the neighbours escalates in the subsequent weeks
October 2016 04 Oct Hurricane Matthew slams Haiti killing over 1,500 people; another 50 die in the US
08 Oct At least 140 people killed in a Saudi-led air strike at a funeral in Yemen after being mistaken for rebels
13 Oct Portugal’s former PM Antonio Guterres chosen as the next UN Secretary-General
13 Oct King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, world’s longest reigning monarch, dies at the age of 88
13 Oct Bob Dylan becomes the first singer songwriter to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
16 Oct Iraqi troops and Kurdish fighters, by US-led air strikes, launch an offensive to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS
26 Oct Over 60 killed in militant attack on a police training centre in Quetta, Pakistan
26 Oct UN refugee agency reports death of at least 3,800 Europe-bound migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, making 2016 the deadliest year of the crisis
November 2016 08 Nov Donald Trump, billionaire businessman, elected 45th President of USA in a stunning victory over Hillary Clinton
08 Nov Indian PM Narendra Modi announces sudden demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes
26 Nov Cuba’s former president fidel Castro, one of the world’s longest serving leaders, dies at the age 90
28 Nov Brazil’s Chapecoense football team member among 71 people killed in a plane crash near Medellin, Colombia
December 2016 07 Dec Pakistani passenger plane crashes near Islamabad, killing all 48 people on board
07 Dec Close to 100 people killed in Indonesian earthquake
12 Dec Paolo Gentiloni takes over as PM of Italy, succeeding Matteo Renzi who quit after losing a referendum on constitutional reform
25 Dec 92 people killed after Russian military plane crashes in the Black Sea
26 Dec Pop icon George Michael dies at the age of 53
29 Dec Syrian govt and rebels agree on a ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey just a week after Syrian forces retake control of Aleppo
29 Dec US exples 35 Russian diplomats amid allegations of Moscow’s meddling in American election; President Putin doesn’t react with a tit-for-tat response

World Current Affairs 2016  January To December

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