UKSSSC will conduct online exam for first time from December 2020. UKSSSC has start preparation to conduct online exam for various recruitment in Uttarakhand. The online exam will be conducted in whole state on 3rd or 4th week of December month. Exact dates will be revealed soon.
Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission will be conducting online exam for Pashudhan Prasar Adhikari, JE Civil and Assistant Agriculture Officer posts. Earlier UKSSSC invited online applications for these posts and get nearly 23000 application for Pashudhan Prasar Adhikari vacancy, 13000 for JE Civil and 2500 application for Assistant Agriculture Officer vacancy. Commission has declared to conduct online exam for these posts this year.
UKSSSC is preparing to conduct online exam and very soon releasing a video and guidelines for candidates who are going to appear in UKSSSC online exam. Online Exam schedule will also be declared soon.
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