UKSSSC may reduce time & question for online recruitment exam

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21 Jun 2021

Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission is preparing to implement new exam pattern due to Covid-19. UKSSSC is going to reduce Samuh G exam time and number of questions in online recruitment examinations. Soon the commission is going to take a decision on this.

In the first wave of Corona, the commission had conducted many recruitment examinations online. The UKSSSC had successfully conducted online recruitment examinations through tablet also. Now in the second wave of Corona, taking forward this online exam pattern, the commission is working on reducing the time and questions of the examinations.

UKSSSC Secretary Santosh Badoni said that under this, the time of examination is being considered to be reduced from two hours to one and a half hours and the number of questions will be reduced from 100 to 80. A decision in this direction is going to be taken soon. By doing this, three shifts of examinations will be easily done in a day and the recruitment train will start running again.

Uttarakhand Samuh G Exam may be shortened

The time of written examinations of Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission can now be fixed for one and a half hours instead of two. In order to conduct the examination in three shifts in a day, the commission is preparing to reduce the duration of the examination. The proposal has been placed in the Board of the Commission. According to the secretary of the commission, Santosh Badoni, the time limit of one and a half hours is already applicable in many recruitment examinations of the central government including railways.

The model has been studied, the proposal has been placed before the Board of the Commission, a decision on this is expected soon. The evaluation process is being strengthened.

UKSSSC to change Exam Pattern in Covid

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2 Responses to “UKSSSC may reduce time & question for online recruitment exam”

    Ayushman malhotra

    On which date Uksssc exams gonna be taken


    exam paper must be 50 question with half an hour time it will be appropriate

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