UKPSChas declare the cutoff for Uttarakhand PCS right after PCS Pre exam. As per India’s education system a student needs minimum 33% to pass in exams but UKPCS a candidate of minimum 20% can now attend PCS Main Exam.
This year even a candidates under some reservation applied for SDM posts and scoring 20% are qualifies to attend PCS Main exam. Many candidates get affected as for some posts in GEN category cut off goes very high and in reservation category for some posts cutoff slides down very much.
This year UKPSC has made cutoff right after the PCS Pre Exam and posts wise in different departments. For the posts of SDM in reservation category, cutoff goes to 60.375 marks out of total 300 marks exam.
Similarly cutoff in reservation category for Officer posts in Child Development Programme goes to 22% marks and District Information Officer Posts cutoff goes to 23% marks. In another case, cutoff for SDM posts in General category goes to 189 marks and in Statistical officer posts in Agri Service 205 marks.
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Can Candidate of Delhi is eligible to take advantage of reservation. I’m sc candidate my sc certificate is eligible under ukpsc ?
How many candidates are selected in all the 3 tires ( pre mains and interview) for all catogries in uttarakhand pcs?
Currently I’m in ^4th year of engineering can I also apply.