CMO Dehradun has released interview schedule for the post of Assistant Programme Management, Finance cum Logistics Consultant (NCD), District Coordinator, BLA, Accountant, District Logistic Manager and various other under Medical Staff Recruitment in Dehradun. Interested candidates may appear in the walk-in on 29 & 30 March 2017.
Chief Medical Officer, Dehradun released notification for various post of Medical Staff in Dehradun. The walk-in will be held on 29 & 30 March 2017. Candidates are required to bring all important documents with them.
Important Date
Date of Walk-In : 29 & 30 March 2017
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what is the qualification of logistic manger & pay .the applying last date 29/03 /2017 .
if not than how can i apply.
can i join diretect for interview on 30/3/2017
Dear Sir,
What is the qualification for logistics manager and Accountant. and what is the processer for the post apply