Skill Development Training Camp at Tehri Garhwal

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 28 Jun 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

28 Jun 2016

Youth Welfare and Provincial Escort under the scheme of Free Commercial Residential District, Tehri Garhwal invites applications from the eligible candidates for free courses like House packaging & managment or basic computer training. Candidates may apply on before 10 July 2016.

Skill Development Training Camp at Tehri Garhwal

The Youth Welfare and Provincial Escort is giving a chance to develop skills in field of House Packaging, Retail managment & Computer. This is a free training camp for the unemployed youth. Interested candidates may submit fully filled application form on before 10 July 2016.

How to Apply

Interested candidates can download the application formate and submit it at District block.

Important Date

Last Date of submit application Form : 10 July 2016

Skill Development Training Camp at Tehri Garhwal

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3 Responses to “Skill Development Training Camp at Tehri Garhwal”

    Amit joshi

    Sir agla camp hai…in tehri district. ..

    Amit joshi

    Sir agla camp hai…

    Pankaj bahuguna

    How can i download application form of skill development training camp at Terri garhwal

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