DM Office, Haridwar has released an important notification regarding the post of Patwari & Lekhpal Recruitment in Haridwar. They have mentioned some changes under this recruitment. This job was published on 11 and 12 Oct 2015 on every daily newspaper.
Point : (1) No need of Computer certificate. In newspaper it was mentioned in fourth point.
Point : (2) No need of any Computer Test : After the written exam the typing test is also canceled now. In this test they were going to check the typing speed of candidates on the basis of 4000 words per hour.
Poin : (3) One post will be safe for a partialy deaf (PD) candidate comes under PWD. This post is any candidate belonging to any catagory.
All other requirement is necessary. Changes are applicable only for those given points. So candidates who don’t have any of the above qualification can also apply for the regarding post. Last date of application submission is 10 Nov 2015.
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