Result of Electronics Lecturer in Govt Polytechnic Uttarakhand

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 13 Mar 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

13 Mar 2015

UKPSC has declared the interview result of Lecturer (Pharmacy) in Govt. Polytechnics. Interview was taken on 24 February to 27 February 2015 for 36 vacancies of Electronics Lecturer in Govt Polytechnic in the state.

Electronics Lecturer Result in Govt Polytechnic Uttarakhand

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Electronics Lecturer Result in Govt Polytechnic Uttarakhand

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2 Responses to “Result of Electronics Lecturer in Govt Polytechnic Uttarakhand”


    Do any one have any idea about joining date in electronics lecturer in polytechnic.

    manoj kumar

    any information on Joining dates for polytechnic lectureres

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