Office of Police Superitendent of District Pauri has released schedule for the physical measurement and fitness test for the direct recruitment of Sub Inspector and Platoon Commander. The physical measurement and fitness test of candidates who have submitted their application under District Pauri Garhwal, will be conducted on under mentioned dates. Make sure to be present at Raansi Sports Ground Pauri along with all necessary certificates and 2 passport size photograph at 07:30 am.
Category | Registration Numbers From-To | Reporting Date |
General (Males) | GC 01-255 | 07 -11-2014 |
General (Males) | GC 256-505 | 08-11-2014 |
General (Males) | GC 506-756 | 09-11-2014 |
General (Males) | GC 757-1007 | 10-11-2014 |
General (Males) | GC 1008-1230 | 11-11-2014 |
SC (Males) | SC 01-254 | 12-11-2014 |
SC (Males) | SC 255-499/ ST 01-32 | 13-11-2014 |
OBC (Males) | OBC 01-138 | 14-11-2014 |
Dependentof Freedom Fighters (Males) | FF 01-14 | 14-11-2014 |
Home Guard (Male) | HG 01-15 | 14-11-2014 |
Ex Army (Males) | EX MAN 01-47 | 14-11-2014 |
Dependent of Uttarakhand Movement (Males) | UA 01-03 | 14-11-2014 |
General (Females) | GC 01-251 | 15-11-2014 |
General (Females) | GC 252-411 | 16-11-2014 |
SC(Females) | SC 01-128 | 16-11-2014 |
ST (Females) | ST 01-14 | 17-11-2014 |
OBC (Females) | OBC 01-38 | 17-11-2014 |
Dependentof Freedom Fighters (Females) | FF 01-05 | 17-11-2014 |
All Absent Candidates (Male & Female) | All Absent Candidates | 17-11-2014 |
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