Now SSC-CGL Examination will be Online

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 15 Jul 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

15 Jul 2016

The Staff Selection Commission has released notification for the examination pattern, according to the latest updates; the SSC-CGL exams will be conducted online. As every year, two or three candidates were caught cheating in the exams so this step will put a stop to their cheating practises. Also, the department will conduct a Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE), 2016. Earlier, SSC CGL Tier I exam was scheduled on 08 and 22 May 2016 but it has been postponed and will be re-scheduled on 28 Aug 2016.

Main Changes in SSC-CGL Examination

1.Both Paper-I & Paper-II will be online.
2. For Paper-I – The time limit will be 75 minutes.
3. There will be 100 questions in first paper.
4. Half marks will be deducted on every wrong answer.
5. For Paper-II pattern will remain same as before.
6. Third paper has been included. 
7. Third Paper will be offline and will cover Hindi & English subjects.
8. Candidates will face computer test for the post of Auditor & CSS.

Note : [Check Complete SSC CGL 2016 Recruitment Notification SSC CGL 2016 New Exam Pattern]

Now SSC-CGL Examination will be Online

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2 Responses to “Now SSC-CGL Examination will be Online”


    will there be sectional cuttoff also in SSC cgl 2016 exam

    Reshu Saini

    Is there any option to change the language of exam during the examination.

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