How to Pursue Career in the Field of Medicine

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 27 Mar 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

27 Mar 2015

All the worldly pleasures or sorrows have no meaning if there is no life. Life is indeed the foundation of every small to big thing on this earth. Serving mankind is considered as the most noble job in Indian culture and so is the work of a ‘Doctor‘. Medical Science has been proved to be a boon for the people, along with scientists, researchers, doctor too play a vital role in implementing it. Becoming a doctor requires a lot of time and patience but also leads to a bright future and a generous position.

Medical Science making life happier and healthier

A doctor is the one who diagnose the illness, disease, injuries, infections in human beings as well as animals. They prevent the ailment by every way possible whichever is required be it by prescribing medicines or getting it done by surgery in case of major illness. There are mainly 4 types of most implemented systems of medicine. Many doctors specialize in a specific area, such as –

1) Alopathy

Alopathy refers to treating the illness with the help of useful drugs which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. Some of the specialised fields are : Cardiology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Urology, etc.

Course offered – The first degree course leads to Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). The postgraduate course in MD & MS are of two year duration.

2) Homeopathy

Homeopathy refers to diagnosis of illness or disease by minute doses of natural substances that would prevent it in more effective and permanent way. There are no specialization fields in homeopathy as the illness is treated as a whole body not just a particular organ.

Course offered – The first degree course leads to Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS). The postgraduate course in Homoeopathy MD (Homy) are of two year duration.

3) Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a tradional Hindu system of medicine which is based on treating illness with thr help of using herbal medicines and spiritual sciences like yoga. There are a number of specialization courses for this.

Course offered – Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) programme can be done for this.

4) Unani

Unani is a form of middle-east & south-Asian countries traditional medicine practiced based on the concept of the four humours: Phlegm (Balgham), Blood (Dam), Yellow bile (Safra) and Black bile (Sauda).

Course offered – The first degree course leads to Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS). The post graduate course is Mahir-e-Tib and Mahir Jarahat.

Ladder to a career in Medicine

The education required to become a medical doctor is long and may be expensive. Becoming a doctor requires deep knowledge of body parts and organs, problem-solving ability to figure out medical diagnosis, and interpersonal skills to communicate with patients and other medical professionals. Below are some important points for becoming a doctor –

– Biology and Sciences should be a compulsory subject in your high school.

– Intermediate should be done with Medical stream (i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Biology).

– Different courses are available for different fields. Like for Dentist Bachelor in Dentist Sciences(B.D.S) is done, for Medicine Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery is done, etc.

– Medical License is necessary to work as a doctor.

– Discipline, Flexibility, Physical and Emotional Stamina required.

– one can also go for veterinary courses which deals with treating health disorder in animals.

Opportunities in the field of Medicine

It is a great career, full of depth, challenges and meaning. Doctors are needed everywhere so they have good scope of job as wel as healthy income possibility. Doctors have many options, either they can join a government hospital and serve public or they can also open their own Clinic and treat people from there. Currently, MBBS is highest in demand than BDS and Veterinary doctors. Bachelor of Dentist Science (BDS) has bright scope in USA as teeth related problems are higher in USA than India according to a recent survey.

Medical Job prospects in Uttarakhand Government

Uttarakhand has some of the renowned government hospitals which hires aspiring doctors from different specializations. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) being the top most government medical body in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. Physician, Dentist, Dermalogist, Gynaecologist, Cardiologist, Optician, etc are some of the most common specialized doctors hired in almost every government hospital.

Career in the Field of Medicine

Posted in : Tips and Tricks

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