Agnipath Recruitment Scheme Launched – Now youth can serve Armed Forces for Four Years

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14 Jun 2022

The Central Government has today launched ‘Agneepath Recruitment Scheme‘ for recruitment in the Army. Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh while launching the scheme said, with this scheme the youth will get the opportunity of recruitment in the Armed Forces and will get employment. He said, this scheme is a part of the government’s efforts towards reducing the expenditure and age profile of the defense forces. ‘Agnipath‘ (also spelt as Agneepath), for three Indian Armed Forces – Army, Navy, and Air Force.

What is Agnipath Recruitment Scheme ?

Under the ‘Agnipath Recruitment Scheme’, the youth will join the Army for a period of four years and serve the nation. All youth who will be selected through Agneepath Scheme, will be called as Agniveers. At the end of four years, about eighty per cent of the soldiers will be relieved of duty and will receive assistance from the armed forces for further employment opportunities.

Depending on merit, eligibility, performance and the departmental requirements, up to 30 per cent soldiers trained as Agniveers will be absorbed in the regular service.

Many corporations will also be interested in reserving jobs for trained and disciplined youth who have served the nation.

A four-year job will also include 3 to 6 months of training.

Pension will not be available after retirement, but a lump sum amount will be given.

What are the benefits of Agneepath Scheme ?

Agnipath scheme will also help in bringing down the country expenditure for Defence. The scheme will decrease the salary and pension bills of the Armed forces, which have been increasing rapidly. The defence budget of Rs 5,25,166 crore for 2022-23 included Rs 1,19,696 crore for defence pensions. The allocation for revenue expenditure was Rs 2,33,000 crore. The revenue expenditure includes the expenses on payment of salaries and maintenance of establishments.

Agneepath scheme will also increase the operational capability of Indian Armed Forces.

One of the special benefit will be that now the army regiments will not be recruited according to caste, religion and region, but will be as a countryman. That is, youth of any caste, religion and region can apply for any regiment.

Actually, infantry regiments in the army have been made since the time of the British such as Sikhs, Jats, Rajputs, Gorkhas, Dogras, Kumaon, Garhwal, Bihar, Naga, Rajputana-Rifles (Rajrif), Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (Jackalai), Jammu- Kashmir Rifles (Jackrif) etc. All these regiments are prepared on the basis of caste, class, religion and region. There is only one such regiment of independence, the Guards Regiment which was raised on the basis of All India All Class. But now it is believed in the Agnipath plan that all the regiments of the army will be based on the All India All Class. That is, any youth of the country can apply for any regiment. Since independence, it is being considered as a major defense reform in the defense sector.

Now recruitment rallies will start from the month of August this year and recruitment will start in the Army (Army, Navy and Air Force).

What will be salary of Agniveer ?

Pay package of Agniveers to range from Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000. The new recruits will receive a one-time ‘seva-nidhi’ severance package on completion of service. Their monthly remuneration will be around Rs 30,000/month in first year, out of which Rs 9,000 will go to the exit corpus fund.

Agneepath Scheme Pay Package

How Agniveers will be recruited ?

Agniveers will be recruited through an online centralised system for all Armed Forces with specialised rallies and campus interviews from recognised technical institutes such as Industrial Training Institutes and National Skills Qualifications Framework, etc.

What will be the age limit for Agniveer recruitment ?

Agniveers will be recruited between the age group of 17 years and 21.5 years.

Agneepath Scheme


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8 Responses to “Agnipath Recruitment Scheme Launched – Now youth can serve Armed Forces for Four Years”

    Charu Thakur

    Sir I am 14 I also want to apply for agnipath plss give m some more details that how to apply agnipath schme

    Charu Thakur

    Sir I am 14 can I also select in this job

    Aeraz Ahmed

    Kasa login kar sakte hai aagneepath

    Jahangir ahmad dar

    Sir iam 21/7 months am i eligible for this job

    S vareso

    How to apply agnipathschem

    Payal Sharma

    Hum Kesha apply kar army ke liye, please tell me about army additional


    Maximum boys yll against this.what will boys should do after 4 yrs


    How to apply in AGNIPATH scheam

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