Examination Pattern of CGL 2016 has been changed

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15 Apr 2016

SSC has released notification about latest changes in CGL-2016 exam. According to SSC, this year CGL pattern will be changed with online examination. CGL is the most waited and important exam for all graduate students. Students starts preparation for CGL at their best level once they got the notification. This big change in CGL will be done to prevent frauds in examination, because some candidates try to take advantage of offline examination.

CGL-2016 Main Examination will be done Online

SSC has decided to do second paper online. After this major change, the Tier-I examination which will be held on 22 May have been shifted to another date. SSC also planning to apply this change in other exams too. According to the stats around 35 Lac students will give CGL exam. From the middle region approx 7.8 lac candidates have applied for CGL. Central govt has also include a new post of Assistant Auditor for which they include two new paper Finance & Economics in Tier-II.

Examination Pattern of CGL-2016 has been changed

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