Shortcuts for Medical Entrance Exams

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19 Jan 2015

Medical Entrance Examinations are one of the toughest exams of the country that offers application to take admission in various reputed medical colleges of India. All Indian Medical colleges provide MBBS and dental programmes to students. The exam is conducted in different centres across the country. The aspirants are to be more conscious about these examinations as they can prove to be the steppingstone for ones professional career. Aspirants must work hard to get admission in a premier medical college. The pressure to appear into these examinations and to perform well is so overwhelming considering the fact that it is expected to do an in depth analysis of theories and then to transpire them on OMR sheets.

Preparation Tips for Medical Examination

Here are some of the important tips one must consider during preparation before appearing for the entrance examination.

  1. Cover each and every topic and one must not miss even a single lesson to perform well in the exam.
  2. Emphasis should be given to develop a strong base in the fundamentals of all the subjects, such as physics, chemistry and biology.
  3. NCERT text books serves best to provide a strong base. Try to complete the entire XIth and XIIth NCERT syllabus on time.
  4. Manage your time equally among all subjects. Accomplish small and calculated goals thus movind ahead to complete the entire syllabus on the decided time.
  5. After managing time for each subject, it is essential to read the subjects topic wise. Instead of reading it here and there, a systematic manner will help to understand complex topics easily. Take on the fundamental concepts first, as it becomes easy to understand further advanced concepts later.
  6. Revision is essential as practice makes a person perfect.
  7. Previous year’s question papers give you an idea about the exam pattern and what types of questions have been asked in the exam, thus prepare accordingly.
  8. One must keep some free time from one’s study routine to relax and freshen up your mood and mind, it boosts learning power.
  9. Use clever mnemonics to memorize monotonous and mind twisting theoretical concepts. It saves time as it is a memorizing technique that is advised by many.
  10. When solving previous year’s papers, practice test or mock tests try to be more accurate while answering the questions. Developing a habit to analyse common mistakes is the first step towards correcting them. Try to master the tricks involved by practicing more questions.
  11. Eat healthy, avoid junk food as it slows down human metabolism and makes a person slow. Fresh fruits and home cooked food is high on nutrients that energize human body and mind.
Posted in : Tips and Tricks

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