Tips for Medical Entrance Examination

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16 Jan 2015

The field of Medicine provides one an opportunity to be of service to mankind. It’s an honourable career path with limitless possibilities. India has 387 medical colleges that train 51,979 Indian medical students every year at the under graduate level and 24,196 students at the post graduate level. With the number of aspirants increasing every year, competing in a cut throat completion, students with good preparation and strategy have an edge over others.

How To Prepare For Medical Exam

Importance should be given to Biology, Chemistry and Physics during Sub Senior Secondary and Higher Senior Secondary years. For Medical entrance examinations, students now insists on parallel coaching over school academics to crack medical exams.

Entrance Level Examination For Medical

A. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS MBBS)
The AIIMS exam for MBBS is a paper-based test of 3 ½ hours duration. The exam consists of 200 objective type; 60 questions from Physics, Chemistry and Biology are asked. 20 questions are asked from General Knowledge and there are negative markings for every incorrect answer.

B. All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)
AIPMT exam is conducted by the CBSE offline which consist of 180 objective type questions from the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. The duration of AIPMT 2014 would be 3 hours.

C. JIPMER (Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research)
It’s an online exam which consist of 200 multiple choice questions asked over the duration of 2.5 hours. Questions would be from Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions), Biology (60 questions) and English (20 questions).

Medical Exam Preparation Tips

Study Material
Many Coaching Institutes provide their own study module and test series to help student with the ever changing formats and syllabus.

Test Yourself
It’s essential to test your knowledge and speed as it’s reflection of where you stand as a competitor. Online test series are much prevalent these days that gives students a mock test against clock and compares their performances with respect to other students. You can also take previous year’s question papers and try to solve them.

Time Yourself
Time is another devil that plays spoil sport in these examinations. Pull your socks, use the techniques that are taught in coaching classes and are popular over Internet to save time.

Stick to Syllabus
Students tend to study everything to be sure of their basics thus going overboard with the syllabus. Place the syllabus of examination on the study table. Check it before you start and confirm it when revise for regular follow ups.

Revision is essential as it reaffirms your confidence and takes care of your weakness. Revise your notes and study material multiple times according to the syllabus. Make notes as they tend to help in the eleventh hour.

Negative Marking
Negative marking imacts on your performance during examination.Avoid shoot and scoot and be vary of negitive marking.Shoot and scoot can be understandable,when the eamination pattern doesn’t allow negivtive marking and there is much to cover on question paper.

Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat
Avoid junk food as it slows down human metabolism and makes a person slow. Fresh fruits and home cooked food is high on nutrients that energize human body and mind.
Set short goals on day to day basis and achieve them at whatever cost.

Motivate yourself
There may be times when you will feel lagging behind don’t worry the worry is not coming to an end. Don’t panic, keep your senses calm and tell yourself that each day is a new beginning, introspect and reinvent your strategy.

Posted in : Tips and Tricks

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