How To Choose A Career in Management

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 26 May 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

26 May 2015

They say, "There is no use of resources even if it is present in abundance until you know how to use it". It speaks volume in reference to a good management. Resources, Ideas and Management are the ingredients of performing a task successfully. An effective management requires setting of accomplishable goals, evaluating its viability and coming up with concrete ways to achieve them. You ingrain the traits and you rule the world.

What does management courses involve?

Management courses are industry oriented course which aims to develope managerial, decision-making and coordinating skills in an individual to frame them for excelling in a better corporate world tommorow.

There are a number of management courses in which one can build a bright future with lucrative job opportunities –

1) B.B.A (Bachelor in Business Administration) – It is a 3yr Bachelor degree course which deals with subjects that give conceptual insights into how a business should be run or managed.

2) MBA (Master in Business Administration) – It is a 2yr Master degree course of Management and also includes technological ingenuity and managerial skills in developing the industry. The main specialization streams are : finance, marketing, sales and Research & Development.

3) Hotel Management – It deals with hospitality management industry.

4) PGDM (Diploma) – It is a diploma course in Managment done after acquiring graduate degree.

What can I do to pursue management as a career?

If you are good at managing any event or task, has capability to communicate effectively with different people without any hesitation, and has deep-rooted management traits, then this field is best for opting as a career. Following are some imporatant guidelines which will help you understand the field better –

– learn about finance and economics.

– keep things on track for more profitability each and every year.

– willing to take risks and think big; and a hands-on person, eagle-eyed in matters of money and human resources, always willing to dig into the details until everything is perfect.

– should be Tenacious, Honest and Ethical, Publicly modest, Competitive, Flexible.

– requires team management, interpersonal skills.

The most vital key to be a good manager is developing vision. You should not only have understanding of the current situation of the unit but also where could it lead to in the next three years from now. The job requires developing a road-map and setting milestones that will lead to long-term objective while keeping short-term goals in mind.

Job Opportunities in Management

There is plethora of job opportunities in Management field. All the companies need a voracious manager to function in a productive way. Every large scale company has following posts : Company Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Executive, Human Resource (HR) Manager, Fiancing Advisor, Accountant, Account Manager, Finance Manager, Branch Manager, Sales Executive, Marketing Executive, Marketing Manager, etc.

Some of the top Indian companies are : Hindustan Unilever Limited, Indian Conglomerate (ITC), Himalayan Drugs, Reliance, Airtel, Birla Sunlife, Nestle, etc.

Some Indian Government Companies are : ONGC, BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Tata Motors, Nationalized Banks, etc.

Management Job prospects in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Governement offers good opportunities to the management field students to serve in Nationalized Banks like Uttarakhand Gramin Bank, in state government as accountant, for various management related posts in secrateriat, etc. There is no dearth of job opportunities for manegement students in the private as well as government sector.

How To Choose A Career in Management

Posted in : Tips and Tricks

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