UKMSSB to recruit Para Medical Staff in Govt Medical Colleges soon

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 11 Jul 2021. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

11 Jul 2021

The recruitment of para medical staff in Uttarakhand will be through Uttarakhand Medical Services Selection Board UKMSSB soon. Health Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat said during the review meeting of the department that the service rules will be amended to remove the shortage of staff in medical colleges of Uttarakhand. Rawat asked to make necessary changes in the service rules in case of non-deployment of experienced doctors due to the maximum age limit being 42 years in Medical College Faculty Recruitment.

For the cleanliness of Medical Colleges, Safai employees will be hire through outsource. He asked to start Bhoomi Pujan of approved medical colleges in Pithoragarh and Haridwar before 15th August and to start the operation of Almora and Rudrapur Medical Colleges from November.

Also, in view of the possible third wave of corona, 100-100 beds will be kept reserved for children in every medical college.

UKMSSB to recruit Para Medical Staff in Govt Medical Colleges

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