How To Be A Self Employed or Entrepreneur

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20 Jan 2015

Self-employment is an employment profile which act towards generating one’s income directly from clients end as opposed to being an employee of a chain of commands. Self-employed personnel generate employment opportunities for himself and also for the others rather than being provided with work by an employer. It is no secret that the past few years have been tough, but even so, the idea of becoming self-employed and starting a business can sound challenging as well as expensive. In fact, with proper planning and research, it can prove to be interesting, exciting and the start to a new beginning of a prosperous future.

Qualities To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

  • Innovative:Entrepreneurs see opportunities where other people see only problems. They have a vision to foresee situations and trends that may not exist today but all the right today could be aces for tomorrow.
  • Competitive:What entrepreneur is an entrepreneur if one is not driven by the lust to achieve, they see business as a game of chess. For them, money is not the primary goal but only a scale of success. One is willing to take calculated risks.
  • Proactive: Most entrepreneurs are initiators. They choose their projects based on their own interests and instincts without giving any hoot about other people’s opinion.
  • Self-confident:
    They believe in themselves and in their ability to achieve their goals.  

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Benefits of Self Employment

  • Satisfaction of creating one’s own path. The sense of independence and accomplishment that comes from using their skills and experience to create their own work rather than depending on an employer for a job is unmatched.
  • Self-employment offers the chance to work at something that not only provides an income but also appeals to your passion. As your own boss you have the freedom to determine where to invest your time and energy.
  • There is no monotony. There are always new people to meet, new problems to solve.
  • Being your own boss lets you test your bright ideas and fulfill your passion for creativity.
  • Flexible work hours pave way for healthier lifestyle work.You may be able to adjust your work schedule to accommodate personal needs.

Steps To Be A Self Employer

  1. Personal evaluation: Begin by analyzing the skills that could be used to pave the way. Consider what constitutes your end product whether it’s a service or a product. How much capital you are willing to risk for that articulation of passion.This self analysis will help you focus and pick a business.
  2. Analyze the business: Evaluate your target and potential customers. Who will be your competition?
  3. Draft a business plan: It is essential as it comes handy during negotiations and persuasions in seeking outside financing from friends, relatives, investors, or a bank. Besides that drafting a business plan will help you figure out details about the required capital, pre-emptive measures to overcome difficulties.
  4. Get financed: Most small business ventures start with money from savings, credit cards, personal loans, help from family and friends.
  5. Get started: This is where the structures of setting up ones plans start to materialize. It includes finding a location, negotiate the lease, presentations, installation of means of operation, etc
  6. Hit and Trial: Making a mistake to learn from it should be the first order of business and not a setback. Advertise and market to let people know you are out there.

How To Be A Self Employed or Entrepreneur

Opportunities in Self Employment

There are limitless opportunities in self employment as there have been people in the past that worked small time and took it to a billion capital industry. Banks and Government encourage self employment as it generates capital as employment for the common good. All one needs is the courage to take that leap of faith. As every marathon starts with a first step.

Posted in : Tips and Tricks

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2 Responses to “How To Be A Self Employed or Entrepreneur”



    abhishek misra

    sir, i want to start my own business of raw food processing as aata,wheat dalia, pulses packing,mustard oil packing etc. should i start it without registering my work,and what are the initial steps,i follow.
    please guide me

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