Candidates passed in Army Bharti Exam to join From 12 July To 2 August

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 10 Jul 2021. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

10 Jul 2021

Candidates waiting for their joining in Indian Army after selected in Garhwal Rifle Bharti in Lansdowne will now get to report soon in Lansdowne. The candidates who were issued call letters for joining from 26 April to 30 April by the Army Recruiting Office, will have to join from 12 July to 2 August. Accommodation and food will be arranged for all the candidates.

Colonel Vineet Bajpai, Director, Army Recruiting Office Lansdowne said that the candidates who passed the written examination conducted by the Army Recruiting Office were asked to report to the Army Recruiting Office Lansdowne according to their district from 26 April 2021 to 30 April. . Due to the COVID curfew imposed and the increasing outbreak of the Covid epidemic, now the candidates will have to report at Jaswant gate GGRC Lansdowne from 12 July to 2 August by 6 pm on the scheduled date.

Colonel Vajpayee told that the candidates of the dates given in the call letter of May 16 and May 17 will now have to report on 12 July, candidates of 7 May, 12 May, 18 May and 19 May, now have to report on 20 July, candidates of 13 May, 15 May, 24 May and 27th May have to report on 02 August at Jaswant Dwar GRRC (Garhwal Rifles Regimental Center).

Uttarakhand Army Bharti Joining Date News 2021

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2 Responses to “Candidates passed in Army Bharti Exam to join From 12 July To 2 August”

    Vinod Kishore verma

    Sir mad/me job search ki do back pass pharma company job till date koi good job ki Takas hi plz koi job Tu mail plz

    Aman singh rana

    Fill the form of gadwal btaliyan

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