Uttarakhand guest teachers recruitment is in its final stage. Uttarakhand Government will shortly announce the recruitment of guests teachers. Govt will try to appoint guests teachers before the starting of new session. All appointments will be done for schools in remote areas as most of the posts are vacant in these schools.
Stipend of Rs 15000 may be given to the appointed guests teachers. For each period Rs 150/- will be given to guests teachers. Registration in Employment office will be mandatory requirment in selection of guests teachers.
For LT Teachers : Total posts of 2699 guests teachers to be filled. Candidates should be passed in BEd, Graduate and TET 2. All recruitments will be done by subject wise.
For Lecturer : Total posts of 2672 posts to be filled. Candidates should be Post Graduate & BEd. All recruitments will be done on the UKPSC standards.
All recruitment will be done after invitation of applications. Advertisement will be released shortly by the government.
Selection will be done by a committee headed by District Magistrate, Chief Education Officer & Other District Education Officers. Total such 13 committees will be formed.
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uttrakhand sarkar ka bariya kadam h guest teacher rakhana