Ayurveda Pharmacist will be recruited on 180 Post

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 26 Aug 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

26 Aug 2016

after starting the recruitment process on 600 Pharmacists now, the government has announced to recruit 180 new positions of pharmacists, all pharmacist will be appointed before the election. There are very small number of patients in the Ayurveda dispensary. It is also highly critical that the recruitment should be done for the Department of allopathy too, because the number of patients are very high in allopathy department.

226 Posts of Allopathic Pharmacists are still vacant

There are approx 226 posts of allopathic pharmacists are still vacant, candidates are demanding to recruit on all vacant seats. May be in future, govt will take an action for the recruitment process on all vacant seats

Ayurveda Pharmacist will be recruited on 180 Post

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12 Responses to “Ayurveda Pharmacist will be recruited on 180 Post”


    Ayurvedic pharmacist
    Banch 2019/21


    Ayurveda pharmacist

    Anupam tiwari

    Sir can i apply from up pharmacy from pharmacy council of india

    kailash gairola

    Sir ayurvedic pharmacist ki post kab tak khulegi

    Manish negi

    Sir wt is last for this… plzzzzz mail in my email-id I have mentioned above.


    Batch 2012-14 last date KB ki h


    Last date KB ki h 2012-13 year

    Rajesh Kumar

    Batch 2013-15 wale bhi apply kr sakte h kya

    deepak prasad trivedi

    Please find 180 post aurvedic pharmasist in uttrakhand


    what is the last date of thos form……

    daleb singh

    Vigypte kab ayge ayurvdi pharmacist ki

    Pratima Tiwari

    I need alert for ayurvedic pharmacist.

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