3080 New Teachers to get joining in Uttarakhand Schools

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 19 Apr 2016. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

19 Apr 2016

Uttarakhand Education Department will going to include 3080 candidates as teachers within a month.Apart from that 1731 teachers will get promotion. Schedule of appointment and promotion is published by the department. Counselling for promoted teachers from LT to Lecturer will be start from 27 April.

3080 New Teachers To Join Uttarakhand Education Department

The list of 300 candidates recruited by UKPSC for the post of Lecturer has reached department and posting will be given by counselling on 5 May. Before that the counselling for promoted 1431 lecturers will be completed from 27 April to 04 May.

The counselling for 300 promoted LT teachers from primary teachers will be start from 26 April on both mandals of Uttarakhand. Counselling of 2780 successful candidates recruited by UBTER will be given to department, their appointment will be made by counselling from 22 April to 25 April.

Check Out LT Teacher Counselling Schedule

New Teachers By Recruitment :

Direct Recruitment by UKPSC : 300
LT Assistant Teacher Recruitment by UBTER : 2780

Number of Teachers After Promotion :

From LT to Lecturer : 1431
Primary to Assistant Teacher LT : 300

3080 New Teachers to get joining in Uttarakhand Schools

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4 Responses to “3080 New Teachers to get joining in Uttarakhand Schools”

    mani singh

    Sir I am also complete bed and ctet can I apply any teacher job in utrakhand but I belong to other state up pls reply sir

    mani singh

    Sir I am also complete bed and ctet can I apply for any teacher job in utrakhand but I belongs to other state up pls reply sir


    maine b.com kiya h or computer course bhi so plz reply me

    asha rawat

    M.a with B ed music subjects

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