Interview for Guest Teacher Recruitment in Degree colleges starts from 16 November

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 02 Nov 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

02 Nov 2015

Guest Teacher Faculty recruitment in Degree colleges will progress with interview starting from Nov 16. Education Minister Dr. Indira Hridesh has praised the recruitment of guest teacher and ordered to start the recruitment as soon as possible. She also said that Govt’s reservation policy will be followed in this recruitment too.

Interview for in Degree colleges starts from 16 November

For the recruitment of guest teacher faculty the interview will start from 16 Nov. There are total 681 post for Guest teacher in Degree colleges that to be filled through Interview. On 16 November, Vice Chancellor of Shri Dev Suman & Kumaon University will take interview. All selected candidates will get interview notification on before the date of interview.

Interview for Guest Teacher Recruitment in Degree colleges

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9 Responses to “Interview for Guest Teacher Recruitment in Degree colleges starts from 16 November”


    Sir BSc.Bio and MA economics ke bhi interview h & when

    o.p panwar

    sir eco. kye interview kabh sye hai


    sir kya geography ke be interveu ho rahe he.

    mamta kathait

    Sir M.A geography 70% interview kB hoga

    rajeev sharma

    sir kya commerce or economics ke bhi interview ho rahe hai

    Gajendra singh

    Sir i am ph candidet.and PG(M.A.)complete sanskrit subject of 54%

    vipin kumar

    computer science kee interview kon se date me hai

    vipin kumar

    computer science ke Interview kon se date ko hai


    Sir merit list aa gai.2009 se pahle walo ka kya hua.

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