MAT 2015 Syllabus & Pattern

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 21 Jan 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

21 Jan 2015

The All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) four times every year in the months of May/February/ September/December months respectively for management courses in several colleges and universities.

Syllabus & Pattern of MAT 2015 Examination

MAT Syllabus

Verbal Ability:
Sentence Correction; Synonyms and Antonyms; Syllogisms; Jumbled Paragraphs; Foreign Language Words; Verbal Reasoning; Analogies; Contextual Usage; One Word Substitution; Idioms and Different usage of same word
Quantitative Aptitude:
Profit & Losses; Percentages; Mensuration; Algebra; Permutations & Combinations; Averages; Ratio & Proportion; Allegations & Mixtures; Pipes and Cisterns; Clocks; Work; Quadratic & Linear Equations; Probability; Partnerships (Accounts) and BODMAS
DI (Data Interpretation) and Reasoning:
Graph based questions; Critical and Visual Reasoning; Linear Arrangements; Functions; matrix Arrangements; Statement and Assumptions; Puzzles etc

MAT Paper Pattern

The candidates will have to appear and qualify in the objective type test held in both paper pencil as well as computer mode for the following subjects:
Section I: Language Comprehension
Section II: Mathematical Skills
Section III: Data Analysis and Sufficiency
Section IV: General Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Section V: Indian and Global Environment respectively
Total Number of Questions: 200 (40 Questions for each section)
Duration of Exam: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes/ 150 Minutes
Marking Scheme:
The candidates will be given 1 mark for each correct questions attempted by them while there will be a deduction of zero marks for all the incorrect answers attempted by them.

Posted in : Resources

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