Career as a Teacher

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 08 Jan 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

08 Jan 2015

A teacher is to child as a tree is to tendril. The ward just doesn’t only receive education from teachers but also learns the value systems to conduct himself as an individual later in his life. While as a school teacher one is to mould little ones, in a college environment, the exchanges are at an intellectual level considering students as friends. Teaching is profession which spreads over an array of subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Commerce, etc. Hence the demands of teaching sectors are unquenchable. Over the years a new concept of virtual classroom teaching has brought ease to teachers it shares the work load of meeting the syllabus, but it has make them all the more relevant for now their role has been transformed into an interface between technology and students.

How To Become A Teacher

Aspirants can pursue a bachelor’s degree in education after or along with their graduation. Usually, jobs as teachers in government schools are considered prestigious, you may try for a job in private schools as well.
To start a career as a lecturer in colleges, you may however need to take entrance examinations along with completing your Master’s degree and Ph.D.

Top BEd Institutes

To get admission into top colleges in India for Bachelor of Education , you will have to successfully appear for entrance exams and interviews.

  • JSS Institute of Education, Bangalore
  • College of Teacher Education, Agartala
  • Indira Gandhi B Ed College, Karnataka
  • A G Teachers College, Ahmedabad
  • National Council of Teacher Education, New Delhi.

Besides, there are universities such as IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) that offer a standard curriculum for distance learning.

Aptitude To Be A Teacher

Teaching should be chosen as a career by individuals who feel passionate about exchanging ideas, whether it is teaching at a school or in a college. One must be passionate about his profession and should always be forthcoming to ideas, doubts and affinity for children.

An extrovert personality will win you favours as a favourite teacher while keeping cards close to chest will earn you a reputation of a strict and straight as an arrow.  

Pay package

The pay package in government-owned schools and colleges is handsome. For instance, a teacher in central school teaching primary classes gets paid in the vicinity of Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 25,000. Private schools offer a pay package according to the name and reputation. For teaching in colleges, you will earn about Rs. 40,000 and above depending on your education qualification and experience. However, the selection method for a lecturer or professor position is stringent and competitive as you may need to clear several entrance exams.

New Opportunities For Teachers

Teaching has developed into E-learning modules and online web teaching strategies as well. In this context, the opportunities have enhanced manifold to corner experienced as well as fresh talents. For instance, if somebody is a retired teacher with 20-25 years of experience, they could look for online jobs and start providing online tuitions as a virtual class. In India, it is quite possible that rural children would be trained this way on different subjects of their curricula .Government is bringing up ideas how to not only meet the demands of good and passionate teachers but also to export them to west and east as work force which would re-establish India‘s position as ‘Jagat Guru’.

Career as a Teacher

Posted in : Career Choices

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3 Responses to “Career as a Teacher”

    priyanka rawat

    requirements to become K.V school maths teacher

    priyanka rawat

    i have done my graduation. can i do B.ed from private college because i miss entrance exam


    i have complete with subject statistics. can i apply for job in uattrakhand govt sector. i am 38 years old. which’s maximum age for govt jobs in uattrakhand govt.

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