Career in Indian Defence Forces

has published job posting for . The advertisement for the job post was published on 05 Jan 2015. The minimum educational qualification for the post of is . The job application may be submitted to latest by 01 Jan 1970

05 Jan 2015

Since independence defence forces have been serving our great nation as sword and armour. The three wing of defence forces Army, Navyand Air Force  is a trident that not only serve as a shield against the enemies but also do a lot of humanitarian relief work. Career in defence has its challenges as well as perks. It’s a life changing decision that one must take if one is driven by a life of honour, adventure, lavish lifestyle and patriotism. 

Various Ranks in Indian Defence Forces

Ranks Army Air Force Navy
Officer Field Marshal Marshal of the Air Force Admiral of the fleet
General Air Chief Marshal Admiral
Lieutenant General Air Marshal Vice Admiral
Major General Air Vice Marshal Rear Admiral
Brigadier Air Commodore Commodore
Colonel Group Captain Captain
Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander Commander
Major Squadron Leader Lieutenant Commander
Captain Flight Lieutenant Lieutenant
Lieutenant Flying Officer Sub Lieutenant
JCO Subedar Major Master chief petty officer class 1 Master chief petty officer class 1
Subedar Master chief petty officer class 2 Master chief petty officer class 2
Naib Subedar Junior warrant officer Chief petty officer
OR Havildar Sergeant Petty Officer
Naik Corporal Leading Seaman
Lance Naik Leading Aircraftsman Seaman 1
Sepoy Aircraftsman Seaman 2

Recruitment in Indian Defence Forces

Each defence wings of Indian forces, Army, Navy & Air Force have almost same procedure of recruitment in different ranks Officer, JCO and Other lower ranks.

Officers : One can join armed forces as an officer through various exams that are conducted through UPSC and Non UPSC entries for permanent and short service commissions through NDA, CDSE and UES Technical entries. Successful candidates are then subjected to 5 day Sevice Selection Board evaluation as well as medical examination.

Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) : Senior non-commissioned officers are promoted to JCO rank on the basis of merit and seniority, restricted by the number of vacancies. Junior Commissioned Officers are treated as a separate class, and hold many additional privileges. Willing candidates can apply for the post of Religious Teachers, Caterers, Clerks, Nursing staff etc

OR (Other Ranks) : Indian Armed Forces organise recruitment rallies from time to time in different regions of the country for candidates having minimum education qualification and satisfactory physical fitness.

Career in Indian Defence Forces

Posted in : Career Choices

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One Response to “Career in Indian Defence Forces”

    Narayan Saha

    When the musician trade recruitment will be held in Air Force in Apr/May 2016

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